The classic sitcom Friends made its debut on September 22, 1994. The show was helmed by the main cast of six characters: Courteney Cox’s Monica Geller, Lisa Kudrow’s Phoebe Buffay, Matthew Perry’s Chandler Bing, Matt LeBlanc’s Joey Tribbiani and last, but not the least Jennifer Aniston’s Rachel Green.
Over the course of ten seasons (1994-2004), Friends became a mega-hit, a worldwide phenomenon, and a cult classic. Since the series had so much impact on people worldwide, it is only obvious that it, in turn, was affected by real-life events, such as the tragedy of 9/11, budgeting of the studios, fans’ demands and so forth. Today we count the top real-life impact of events on Friends.
Director James Burrows was associated with Friends from the very beginning. He directed a bunch of episodes such as “The One Where Heckles Dies”, “The One With The Breast Milk.” etc.
James always knew that the show was going to be good, saying, “I always do an audience run-through before I film it in front of a live audience, it went crazy for the show. So I had a sense it was good.” James essentially started off on a positive note, taking the cast to Caesar’s Palace, Vegas, where he told them, “This is your last shot at anonymity." In season 5, you see Ross and Rachel getting married in Ceasar’s Palace, as a nod to the past.
Monica and Chandler will always be the greatest written romances in the history of television. The chemistry that they share encompasses a wide range of things. they started off as frenemies, to neighbors, to closest friends. Until there came a time the two hooked up together in “The One With Ross’ Wedding”. It was natural, easy and wild.
It has been reported that the crowd reacted so wildly to Monica and Chandler hooking up in London. As Monica and Chandler emerged out of the bedsheets, the crowd couldn’t stop screaming for 27 seconds. So the producers took and the cue, and the rest is history.
“You don’t have to worry about me, ma’am. I take my bombs very seriously,” says Chandler. But you never saw it because the episode never made it. Turns out, this one time Chandler didn’t really pick his moment. The tragic events of 9/11, New York led the producers to change an episode on Friends In Season 8, Episode 3, “The One Where Rachel Tells Ross”, Monica and Chandler are seen bickering with the airport security and fellow-honeymooners at the airport.
This wasn’t the original plot though. The actual plot had Chandler and Monica detained at the airport because Chandler made an ill-timed bomb joke despite clearly written out instructions that the federal law prohibits such jokes.
We see Courteney Cox holding Mental Floss magazine more than once in Friends In episodes such as, “The One With the Soap Opera Party” and “The One With The Fertility Test,” Courteney’s Monica is seen skimming through the pages of Mental Floss, whilst seated on the orange couch. This isn’t an odd coincidence or a prop.
Courteney’s partner at the time, David Arquette, handed her the magazine, specifically for the show. “I thought it was so interesting, so I gave it to Courteney.” And that’s how the magazine made it to the famed Friends.
Speaking of David Arquette, did you notice something odd in the premiere episode of Season 6, “The One After Vegas”? The opening credits rolled out everyone’s end name as Arquette. Starting with Courteney Cox Arquette to Jennifer Aniston Arquette, including those of David Crane and Marta Kauffman.
The name changing joke was done to mark beloved Courteney’s marriage to David Arquette. The episode was dedicated to Courteney and David.
James Michael Tyler (Gunther) working as a barista IRL, and given the same job on the show. There’s something interesting about his odd hair, as well. Turns out Gunther offered his hair for experimentation to a hairdresser friend for bleaching. Coincidentally he was called in for taping the premiere the very next day.
Originally Gunther was just a background character. But as Rachel’s screw-ups in the coffee shop grew, and Gunther’s obsession with her multiplied, James became a recurring character. As a result, he had to keep bleaching his hair to look every bit what he first looked like.
Lisa Kudrow wasn’t just pregnant on the show during the filming of Season 4, but in real life too. So producers found an interesting plot to incorporate her pregnancy on the show. Her half-brother Frank Jr. had been written into the show, already. The producers linked the two events, and Phoebe ended up having surrogate triplets for Frank and his wife.
All in all, it made for some hilarious gag lines and a strong social message was sent across: there’s no shame in any sort of motherhood.
The Magna Doodle that we saw on Joey and Chandler’s back door was an iconic prop on the show. If you look closely from Season 3 onwards (when the blue doodle board was first noticed), it always spelled out something. It showcased all the messages, such as daily reminders of ‘Joey call your dad’ to ‘THANKS FOR ALL YOUR STUFF’ at the time they got robbed and so forth.
Such was the importance of the Magna Doodle that it became an actual job for the crew. Paul Swain, a guy from the electric crew was handed the official responsibility of the doodling. Swain said that fans were obsessively deciphering cryptic messages written on the doodle.
Actor Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry worked together on a movie called The Whole Nine Yards. Bruce bet Perry that if their movie would indeed open as number 1 on the Box Office, he’d make a guest appearance on Friends. And that’s the actual reason behind Bruce playing Paul Stevens, Elizabeth’s dad in three episodes of Season 6.
Paul Stevens dated Rachel Green and hated Ross Geller for dating his daughter Elizabeth. His stint lasted until Rachel dumped him for being a cry baby. Moreover, Bruce Willis also donated all his earnings from his guest stint to charity.
Ever heard of the time when a humble budget resonates with the audiences? “The One Where No One’s Ready” from Season 3 is a prime example of that. The show was shot entirely in Monica’s apartment due to budget cuts. Little did anyone know that it would make it to one of the best episodes of the series.
The premise of this episode dealt with Ross pleading with everyone to get ready for his Black Tie event at the museum. The highlight of this episode was Joey and Chandler’s bickering over personal possessions and space, Monica checking through Richard’s calling machine and Rachel’s indecisiveness.