The immense success of the smash hit Friends has a lot to do with its characters. The way they grow and develop over the series, as individuals and as a group, a substantial attributing factor as to what made them so iconic. So too, though, has the dynamics between these characters. From the primary six to supporting characters, the relationships between characters had highs and lows.

A lot of these lows in the show come from arguments and feuds. While a lot of these feuds made sense and added to the show, furthered the characters, and aided the story, some did not. Here are ten of the most ridiculous feuds in Friends. Note that not all of these are multiple seasons long blood feuds, just feuds, small or big, over something or someone.


The sentiment of this long-standing argument is not that ridiculous. Joey had the same feelings as everyone else in that he wanted Chandler and Monica to stay in the city, but the extent to which this entire thing went was too much.

Everyone else was supportive of the move, but Joey remained childish about the whole matter. He even sought advice from an eight-year-old girl, pretty weird. Joey did eventually get over it, but the unsupportiveness and the continuing dumbing down of Joey took this one-sided argument too far.


Near the end of season seven, Winona Ryder guest-starred as Melissa Warburton, an old sorority sister of Rachel’s who had engaged in a make out with her in college. This leads to an argument between Phoebe and Rachel when Phoebe claims there is no way Rachel would do something so wild.

This dispute is ridiculous for a couple of reasons, for one the sheer level of denial Melissa had when being asked about the kiss despite knowing it happened. But even more so, Phoebe had witnessed Rachel have a long kiss with Monica, so why was she so mean to Rachel about this and not believe her?


When people today talk about how much they hate Ross, and about how Ross is the worst, it is stuff like this that makes it impossible to argue with them. Ross and Rachel hired Sandy as a nanny for Emma, and Ross hated the fact he was a guy.

Ross was at odds with Rachel throughout the episode involving Sandy, eventually deciding he will fire him despite Rachels’s protests. All this because Sandy was a guy who was too sensitive, this coming from the same guy who said he enjoyed taking a bath and listening to Kenny G; there is nothing wrong with it, but the hypocrisy is baffling.


The relationship between Charlie and Ross ended up in one of the strangest breakups in all of the show. Benjamin Hobart was the ex of Charlie, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, and in charge of whether or not to give Ross a grant.

When Benjamin sees Charlie again while she is with Ross, he realizes he still has feelings for her and so attempts to bribe Ross. When Ross rejects, Benjamin ruins Ross’ interview with ridiculous questions, and even despite sabotaging Ross’ career, Charlie still gets back with Benjamin.


Rachel’s sister Jill turned up out of nowhere and immediately lived up to the stereotypical spoiled nature of the Greenes. She went on to attempt to sleep with Ross to spite Rachel and never comes back again.t was very strange.

As for Amy, she was funny. But her ongoing feud with Ross and Emma about various issues with Emma, to the point where Rachel and Amy ended up physically fighting after Rachel said she would give Emma to Chandler and Monica, should she and Ross die, was terrible, and nonsensical.


At points, this ongoing hatred made sense and worked. At other points in the show, though, it was awful, and Ross was the victim for perhaps the worst part of it. Susan and Carol are a great couple, but what they do to Ross in the first season is pretty ridiculous.

The two try to cut Ross out of his own son’s coming to life. Susan, for some reason, decides to give Ben her second name with no intention of putting Ross’ in despite it being his child and him wanting to be involved. Overall the early days of this rivalry are a mess.


This is the most prolonged standing feud in Friend sand one that Ross, for a long time, likely did not know the cause. It also is not necessarily bad as it provides a lot of funny moments, but it is however totally ridiculous.

From season three till season ten (at least), Gunther had a massive crush on Rachel, almost obsessive love. He bought Ross’ stuff since Rachel touched it, bought her cat to appeal to her, and this whole time it seems as though he was never in a relationship. At multiple points, he reveals his hatred and jealousy of Ross, much to Ross’ confusion many times.


As mentioned earlier, a lot of people hate Ross, and perhaps the catalyst for this hate comes from his insane jealousy, which comes when Rachel earns her job from a stranger, Mark, and the two get close.

The feud is ridiculous because of the extent Ross goes to prove his jealousy. Rachel and Mark were just friends, and Ross could not stand that, hating on Mark at any given opportunity. Rachel then goes on a date with Mark post she and Ross breaking up to take the feud even further. The point of total and utter ridiculousness comes when in season ten, Ross does not even recognize or know who Mark is.


Another entry, another Ross feud that was utterly ridiculous. After Ross and Rachel get married, drunk in Las Vegas after the gang comes out to surprise Joey, and for Monica and Chandler’s anniversary, they agree to get an annulment.

Ross being Ross, though could not just do that. No, instead, he lies to Rachel and does not get the annulment, staying married to Rachel. The two eventually have a massive argument, and Rachel moves out of Ross’ apartment. Ross was so scared of a third divorce he thought he could legally stay married to someone without them knowing? Who has a Ph.D. in the group again?


One of the most infamous stories in all of the show earns its place atop this list of absolute ridiculousness. Joey ‘proposing’ to Rachel wi forever ingrained in the minds of fans as one of the worst things to come out of the show, it also birthed a ridiculous feud between Joey and Ross.

Ross gets insanely mad at Joey, despite Joey not having done much wrong. Then again, Joey could have so quickly just told Rachel immediately he was not proposing. The entire thing was poorly done, nonsensical, and one of the worst things to happen in the duration of Friends.