She can be loud and incredibly bossy, but Monica Geller also happens to be incredibly sweet, kind, and funny, which is why she was such a beloved member of the hit sitcom, Friends. She’s a character who is incredibly driven and goal-orientated and is always looking to do better.

Throughout Friends, Monica goes through tons of changes, from having various different romantic partners to plenty of alterations within her working life. As well as that Monica grows as a person, and it is those changes that happen to the characters as they develop that really make the show what it is.

It’s all about people going through the early stages of their adulthood, learning from mistakes and becoming a better person for them. Here are the 10 biggest changes that Monica goes through during the show.

Gets A Great Job

Throughout the entire series, Monica Geller works incredibly hard. No matter what job she has in the culinary world, she always gives 110% and that’s why she’s never out of work, but it was great to see her end the series in a dream job at the top of the industry.

Getting the opportunity to finally be a head chef is a major change for Monica, finally getting to be in charge. She gets to create her menu and provide high-quality service to people, which was a role she certainly earned.

She Worries Less

Worrying is something that Monica Geller does very well throughout the show. Whether it’s about her social life, her love life, or her work life, Monica seems to always have something to stress about. This is mainly because she’s so driven as a person.

However, it is also something that does change throughout the show. While Monica does still stress about certain situations, for the most part, she is more relaxed. This is mainly because she gets what she has always desired in life, but it clearly calms her down.

She Embraces Her Sexual Side

While Monica is never a prude in the show, she certainly opens up her sexual side a lot as the show develops. Whether it’s the famous ‘seven’ scene where Monica really gets into the moment, or when she is trying to get pregnant with Chandler, she really does become quite raunchy.

It’s not something you expect from Monica early on in the show, but it’s a side of herself that really shines through as she becomes more confident. It shows her in a different light and provides some funny moments as well.

She Earns Her Mothers Respect

Something that is clear at the start of Friends is the fact that her mom, Judy Geller, certainly prefers her brother Ross. She doesn’t have any problem in showing that and it seems that no matter what Monica does, she simply cannot impress her mother or truly earn her respect.

Judy picks up on every single flaw that Monica has, battering her self-esteem at times with some very harsh comments. However, throughout the series, as Monica’s life continues to develop, it’s clear she wins over Judy’s respect as she eventually admits how proud she is of her daughter.

Relaxes Her Obsessive Tidiness

Apart from her one-room of complete and utter chaos, Monica Geller is a total neat freak. At the start of the series, it is almost out of control and she is seemingly unable to truly relax in certain situations through fear of something becoming messed up.

However, as the series goes on Monica does seem to relax on this situation. While it’s never something that will truly go away from her, as it’s just how she is, Monica does become far less fussy about things, which helps everyone else around her relax.

She Matures

From the start of the show, Monica Geller is one of the most level-headed members of the core group but she continues to grow in that regard throughout the series. She is constantly acting like a mom to all of the group at times, hosting Thanksgiving dinners and constantly cooking to cheer people up when needed.

She looks after everyone and it allows her to really mature throughout. She even grows personally which is highlighted by not rushing Chandler to have children, despite the fact it was high on her priority list.

She Becomes Funnier

All of the main characters of Friends are funny in their own way from start to finish, but they do all also change in this area as well. The person who changes the most is Monica, and a lot of that is down to her relationship with Chandler, which brings out a funnier side of her personality.

Monica becomes absolutely hilarious in later seasons of Friends, often using a lot of physical comedy. This is never more clear than when she puts the Thanksgiving turkey on her head and dances around as Monica really loosens up and shows her humor more frequently.

Moves Out Of The City

This moment doesn’t officially take place until the Friends finale itself, wrapping up the series with the final scene as Monica finally leaves her classic apartment for the last time. She and Chandler take the opportunity to move out of the busy city to a big house.

This is something she does in order to have her children grow up in the way she wants, with the ideal family situation. However, it is certainly a major change for her considering that all of her close friends were nearby to her original apartment.

Falls In Love With Chandler

Something that fans certainly didn’t expect at the start of the show was for Monica to end up marrying Chandler Bing. However, that’s exactly what we get and the duo ends up being the best couple in the history of Friends, being the true definition of #CoupleGoals.

Their relationship is one of the greatest parts of the sitcom and is incredibly heartwarming. Seeing Monica get her dream wedding was a truly unforgettable moment from the show and was a big change that took place in her life throughout the series.

Gets Her Family

While Monica always wants to be a chef, right from the start of the show, the one job she wants even more than that is to become a mother. It’s the reason she breaks up with Richard, and it is incredibly heartbreaking when the show reveals she cannot have children with Chandler.

However, despite the incredible amount of hurdles that end up being thrown in front of her, Monica continues to push to get her family. Eventually, thanks to the kindness of Erica, the moment finally happens in what is one of the most emotional moments from the show.