Producer Andrew Form is committed to working on a new Friday The 13th. Friday The 13th began life as a low budget shocker from producer Sean S. Cunningham, who was inspired by the surprise success of 1978’s Halloween. The original movie featured teen camp counsellors being bumped off one by one by an unseen killer, who is revealed in the finale to be Pamela Voorhees, the vengeful mother of Jason, who drowned in the lake years before.

The success of Friday The 13th led quickly to a sequel, which got around Pamela’s death by making Jason the new killer instead. That twist makes little sense logically, but the character soon became a slasher icon – especially once he donned his famous hockey mask in part 3. The low cost of the series found the studio pumping out sequels throughout the 1980s, coming to a halt with Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan in 1989. The series has come back to life occasionally with various sequels and crossovers, but despite years of development on planned reboots, a new entry hasn’t appeared since the 2009 remake.

A lawsuit between original screenwriter Victor Miller and producer Cunningham has ground development on any future Friday The 13th projects to halt, and until it gets settled, there won’t be any more movies. Now in a new interview with We Got This Covered, Andrew Form – who produced the 2009 remake – revealed he’s ready to jump on a new entry once the lawsuit is settled.

Form goes on to mention the Friday The 13th movie he and partner Brad Fuller were attached to at the beginning of 2017, which was cancelled shortly before filming was due to commence. That movie would have been another reboot and featured three killers and multiple timelines. Jason’s never before seen father Elias would have been the killer of the first act, followed by Pamela in the second and a resurrected Jason in the third. The movie was canned following the box office letdown of horror sequel Rings, but before the wave of horror hits like IT and Get Out.

There’s a lawsuit going on and the rights are a little messed up. But rest assured, we are doing everything we can to be involved with that and we wholeheartedly believe that another version, another incarnation of Friday the 13th, needs to be made and brought out to the world, and we’re gonna do everything we can to do it. Every year, we look at the schedule and say, ‘When’s the next Friday the 13th? When can we have a movie ready?’ We love Jason and we hope we can make another one.

The lawsuit keeps getting more tangled, to the point where the acclaimed Friday The 13th video game has had to stop updating completely. There’s no indication of when the suit will be complete, but at least it’s good to see Form – who most recently produced A Quiet Place – is totally onboard to bring back Jason again.

In the meantime, director Adam Marcus – who made Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday – is eager to produce a spinoff featuring crusty bounty hunter Creighton Duke. Duke and Jason squared off in that instalment, but now Marcus wants to bring the character back for a solo adventure. While the movie may or may not happen, it seems unlikely the character of Jason or the events of any previous Friday The 13th movies will be mentioned if it does get made.

More: Friday The 13th: Creighton Duke Spinoff May Actually Happen

Source: We Got This Covered