Most of the frequently asked questions include; why is my internet speed so slow? What should I do to make my internet speed fast? What is the correlation between my network type and my phone type?
Why is my internet speed slow?
Device usedThe geographical locationBad network typeToo many caches
A device used: The device is a criterion for internet speed, the type of device you’re using determines the speed of the internet whether you’re downloading, streaming audio, or video online. The capacity of a 3G device is different from the capacity of a 5G. Each device functions at a different level
Geographical location: Sometimes, most remote areas function with a very low internet connection, some remote areas do not have a mast. So, network connections in areas like these will be poor
Bad network type: The rate at which a GPRS will function is different from a 3G and also, 5G network
Too many caches: Delete every junk file from your phone, it does slow internet connections.
What Factors May Impact My Phone speed?
The internet speed depends on so many factors ranging from;
the network of your area, your device, the means of browsing, are you browsing with a 5G/4G/3G/2G. The browser you’re using
the network of your area: Your geographic location influences the network of your phone and sometimes due to poor weather, the connection might be slow.
Your device: Your device is a big factor in determining the speed of your internet connection because devices(Phones, PCs, and tablets) have different capacities and so each device functions at its level of capability.
The network type: Are you browsing with a 5G/4G/3G/2G, the network type is a yardstick to determine the speed.
The browser you’re using; Opera mini, chrome, Phx browser, and internet explorer, all have different capabilities and their output is different.
What Should I Do If My Internet Speed Is Slow?
You can run a speed test if you notice your internet is slow to know where the issue is coming from and tackle it from there. Ensure to check If you’re downloading any movie or high-quality file that may be slowing down the internet connection. If you’re not and your speed test is okay, then, contact your internet service provider.
How do I speed up my internet connection?
Ensure you’re only using the application you’re working on at the momentClear your tabs and cache. Switch to a plugged-in connection, if you are connected to WiFi. Update and restart your computer or phone Restart router or modem. Ensure you’re using the latest version of your browser
Ensure you’re only using the application you’re working on at the moment: Ensure you close every application at the minimizing bar, ensure to maintain only 3-5 tabs depending on the type of device you use
Clear your tabs and cache: Cache can make your internet connection slow. To clear the browsing history, click on the menu on the top right bar of the screen, you’ll see the number of tabs opened, clear all the tabs
Switch to a plugged-in connection if you are connected to WiFi: Switch to an ethernet cord if you are connected to Wi-Fi.
Update and restart your computer or phone: Update and restart your computer if there is a need to. Sometimes you just have to restart your computer to enjoy a smooth internet connection
Restart router or modem: Restart your modem or router, it ensures the connection of your home network to the internet.
Ensure you’re using the latest version of your browser: Ensure you are running the latest version of the browser you’re using.
In conclusion, most frequently asked questions that linger in the heart of internet users boil down to internet speed and most of these questions reflect the frustration of users as they work on the internet. Internet users should ensure that their gadgets are free from caches that can slow down the internet and ensure their device is running on the latest version.
What should I do when my Internet is slow?
Run a speed test to know how to tackle the issue
How can I speed up my internet connection?
Clear your browsing history and update your browser
Do I need to upgrade my version of the phone to have a fast internet connection ?
If you feel the need to, don’t hesitate, some outdated software lowers the speed of an internet connection
Why should I clear caches and cookies from my phone?
It slows down the internet connection.
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