If you know that your baby is going to have their first birthday party, and it’s time to start preparing, you’ll be thinking about how much fun it will be to celebrate his or her special day. Of course, you’ll want there to be lots of things that they can do while they’re at your home or at a facility, such as playing games with each other and getting to eat some great cupcakes! You’ll want those cupcakes in style, which means you should figure out how to best present them.

The beauty of simple moments

The universal rule with babies is that they change very quickly, so if you take time to document their lives, you’ll cherish these simple moments later. Start off by having photos taken of your baby when they are one month old. As your child grows older, share pictures with family and friends through social media and make prints to hang up in your home as well. The more pictures you have from their first year, the better! 

The ups and downs of being an expecting parent

The joys and fears that come with bringing a new life into your family are powerful and often overwhelming. There is no handbook on how to handle being an expecting parent, which makes it that much more difficult. And then there’s another baby on their way! How can you prepare for such an important time in your life? In short, you cannot. You just have to accept that things will change, and not always for the better. But what happens when you get through those hard times? This is why we celebrate birthdays; because it reminds us of our progress as parents. And if we could go back in time and tell ourselves one thing about parenthood, what would it be? It would be to enjoy every moment.

Planning a party with details your kid won’t even notice

When it comes to your baby’s birthday party, details are key. Before you get too stressed out about it all, remember that no one will notice when you break from tradition and serve ice cream cake instead of cookies. No one will know if your child doesn’t wear an adorable outfit—and they certainly won’t care if presents aren’t wrapped perfectly in boxes with bows on top. Your baby will have a blast at his or her first birthday party, regardless of how much time and effort you put into planning it. The most important thing is making sure everyone has fun!

DIY invitations that you can print out at home

The word DIY is derived from Do It Yourself and refers to projects that you can make yourself. While some people may cringe at making their own invitation cards, there are actually tons of do-it-yourself invitations out there. You can opt to create your own design from scratch or make your invite based on an already existing design template. The hardest part about creating your own invitation is writing down all those important details such as where, when, and how guests should RSVP. But after that, it’s just a matter of cutting out shapes and gluing them together!

Building your playlist

Since there are many methods to choose from, make sure you do your research. Depending on how formal or informal your celebration is, different types of music may work better. For example, if you’re planning a simple family barbecue in the backyard, feel free to play jazz standards all afternoon. On the other hand, if you’re planning an all-out bash with friends in Las Vegas (or something like that), Top 40 pop music might be more appropriate. Whatever type of music you decide to use, just remember that it should reflect who you and your loved ones are as people. If it doesn’t fit into your personality, then it won’t fit into your party!


A Free smash cake is not a competition. It’s not about winning or losing, so don’t allow your child to get too competitive over it. Instead, think of it as an opportunity to take part in something new and fun, while also celebrating something special—and teaching your kids some valuable lessons on how to handle success and failure without taking things too seriously. Explain that smashing into a pile of frosting and sprinkles can be messy, but that it doesn’t mean they did anything wrong. Remind them that we celebrate birthdays with a cake because they are special days. Let them know they should always feel proud of their accomplishments no matter what happens on their birthday! And lastly, tell them there will be plenty more opportunities to eat lots of yummy desserts throughout their lives—they don’t have to eat everything on their plate at once!

What is this milestone actually all about?

It’s an ode to new parenthood—the cake is intended to be messy because babies are messy. It’s an acknowledgment that your child has changed forever, and so have you. And it’s a fun excuse to get together with family and friends while cutting into a massive slice of delicious dessert. 

 Can a one-year-old eat Free smash cake?

The short answer is yes! If you’re giving a baby a dessert, you should make sure there are no choking hazards. That said, if your baby can eat food with texture, then it’s safe to assume that they can handle smash cake—and if they can’t, it’s not something you want them eating anyway.