What if we offer free shipping this holiday shopping?

 Free shipping is attractive to customers which in turn make it a potential competitive advantages for online businesses. Free shipping facility is going to be very important if we want to gain the merchant’s attention. Also, the overall sales will get increase and people will look after the places where they can get things of good quality and at less price. For example – if a particular brand is offering free shipping, then buyers will love to explore those brands as a result the company will experience higher sales rate.

But the question arises that is it really possible?

Yes, it is. Lets understand now.

Why offering free shipping is efficient this holiday season?

 As we know that from past 3 years our country is much hitten by the pandemic Covid 19 and this has led a Massive shift in shopping behaviour. Many customers are finding difficult to purchase products as their pockets are empty and they don’t have enough to satisfy their needs. We already know that shipping is growing more costly in different places, so in this situation offering free shipping during Holiday season is the biggest commitment and a step to maximize profitability.

What will be the pros of offering free shipping?

Firstly, the biggest edge will be that consumers will love to shop from you. Secondly it will boosts average order value and lead to more orders. Merchant’s will explore to buy from the places where this facility will be available.

According to figures, millions of American consumers shop online about half of the population. Last year surveys also found that retailers who offer free shipping can directly increase their revenue rates by 10 percent. So this facility is very challenging yet targeting and  experiences receiving merchant’s desirability.

What will be the cons of offering free shipping?

Free delivery should not be an independent operation. In order to make it efficacious, you’ll either need a great deal of capital to cover the initial costs, increased orders quantity and value, – a strategy which customers could be extremely sensitive to. We must remember that we have to maintain a balance if we don’t want to affect our bottom line.

•Increased sales = merchant’s satisfaction.

Customers experiences shapes the company and maintain a smooth relation between the buyer and the seller. If our merchant’s are satisfied then this will increase the frequency of transactions. We have to be very careful that the product that is reaching to our buyer is exactly what they desire for and of good quality.

•Merchant’s satisfaction = buying without paying extra charges 

Do you ever feel surprised when you add products to your card and they don’t charge you free shipping charges? Obviously,you will feel happy and shop again in future from those brands. So the brand offers loyalty, trust as a base to develop strong connection. According to a survey conducted by brands 84% of shoppers have a specifically made up purchase from those places where shipping is free.

 According to other surverys 56% of shoppers abandon  their online shopping cards when they encounter and expected cost.

So we see here how are offers are making a brand reach high heights and winning their trust. So implementation of free shipping is maximizing are sales and increasing the overall value of brand.

How can we reach to consumers about a recent offers ?

 In this era social media is the backbone of any industry whether its fashion or shopping. To spread our policies we can make a website or any page to tell the consumers about what is going on with a brand. This way they can get to know about the offers like free shipping, sale onfestive season or buy one get one free offer. This way we can make the brand reach high heights and emerge as a multinational brand.


We can conclude this by saying that free shipping is a marketing tactic used as a strategy to attract consumers, to increase our gross profit to make brands independent and most importantly to develop a trust and amiable bond between the retailer and the merchant.

So we should always shop from such branch which offers us free shipping in order to get products at a reasonable price.

  1. Can we keep free shipping always for all the orders under a particular brand name?

Answer for the above question.

2.  If we keep free shipping then will it allows any company always to reach high heights?

Answer for the above question.