Some of the benefits of free shipping for customers

As a customer who shops online, what do you gain from patronizing brands and retailers that offer you free shipping? Well, here are some of the benefits; 

You get to save that extra money you would have spent on shipping costs. Shipping fees have been on the rise for quite some time and customers sometimes have to pay exorbitant fees. With free shipping, the costs of shipping are now reduced to zero dollars.

You can spend more. This is a great benefit for those who love to shop but are on a budget. Now you can spend that extra cash meant for shipping on more of your favorite items.

When to offer free shipping as a business owner?

It might seem like a method bound to fail and procure losses, but don’t be worried. Here are the best times to offer free shipping to your customers to maximize the benefits of free shipping to your business. They include; 

When your business handles the costs; offering free shipping to customers is a great idea only when your accounts can handle the costs. For new still growing businesses with low funds, this may not be ideal. When your distributor offers you free ePacket shipping; it is wrong to charge for shipping if you aren’t covering the shipping costs. This may also help to boost your sales. When other competing brands offer this, you should try to offer it too. This is because it may push customers to those brands if they believe they are going to save money. When your brand has a substantial amount of orders. This shows that the business is going well and to keep your customers and increase brand loyalty, it is a good idea to offer free shipping on certain products. When your product’s costs and profit margins can withstand the shipping costs. You should not offer free shipping if you have low-value items, with low-profit margins, and high shipping costs. You can choose to consider free returns instead.

How to make a profit from free shipping as a business owner?

Shipping in this day and age is very costly and any business that chooses to offer its customers free shipping must learn how to use this tactic to grow their business. Here are some of the easiest ways to make profits when offering free shipping;

Brands and businesses can set a price range for which free shipping becomes accessible. This reduces the number of free shipping orders you will have to process while enticing buyers near the threshold to buy goods and pass the mark to gain the free shipping bonus, therefore, increasing sales without hurting the accounts. Use it as a tool to advertise and promote your brand and business. Make sure to always announce that your brand or business is offering free shipping to attract customers. Make use of more affordable shipping options when offering free shipping. Recent surveys show that customers are likely to endure longer delivery times to use the free shipping option so your business can make use of cheaper shipping options to reduce shipping costs. Add a percentage of the shipping costs to the price and advertise it as free shipping. Many customers are likely to buy an item that is promoted as having no shipping costs than one of a lower price but with shipping costs. The “free” in the first option gives the buyers a sense that they are saving not just buying. Make only high-value items eligible for this shipping. You can also remove items with low-profit margins, heavy and costly to ship items from the lists to limit the shipping costs on the business.  

Some of the top brands that offer Free shipping

So many online retailers and vendors offer nowadays as it is a very efficient way of boosting sales. Many top brands recognize the benefits of free shipping and have also taken to utilizing it. This is a list of all top brands, vendors, and retailers including; 



Target shopping centers




Best Buy.


Bed, Bath & Beyond

Home Depot

Urban Outfitters

In Conclusion:

Lulu lemon and many others. 

This can be beneficial to both customers and businesses. It gives customers a sense of savings while providing businesses a way to promote their goods and attract customers. A win-win situation.