Smithsonian Institution

Smithsonian Institution, located in Washington D.C. is a collection of museums and galleries and is the largest gallery complex you can visit. There are a total of 19 galleries you can see, and almost all of them are completely free. Here are some examples of galleries you can visit:

You can visit the National Museum of American History and see preserved items belonging to the Founding Fathers alongside many intriguing artifacts. 

The Air & Space Museum is available, and there you can see the module which was built to control Apollo 11, and the plane built by the Wright Brothers. 

The National Museum of Natural History is a must-see. Here, you get the chance to see, hear and experience the intriguing parts and creatures of nature. 

What the Smithsonian Institution has to offer is represented by but not limited to these unique galleries. It is sure to be a unique experience, and you do not have to pay a dime!

The Alamo

The Alamo is an old-timey castle turned into a museum complex located in San Antonio, Texas. You will remember learning about the Battle of the Alamo in your childhood, this is the titular Alamo Castle. Here you will get a chance to experience 300 years of history of the castle wars. You can see the castle almost exactly like it was first built, you can see cannons, the remains of Spanish history there, and much more. The tours and signs provide a thorough walkthrough of the castle’s history; again, it is completely free!

Cleveland Museum of Art

Cleveland Museum of Art is an essential museum that should definitely be visited. It was founded exactly 109 years ago, so you might guess how comprehensive the museum is. You can find artifacts from Greek, Roman, Asian, and European civilizations and artifacts from the Americas. There are a lot of lectures and events which you can attend, as well. Almost everything is free of charge. 

Frye Art Museum 

The Frye is located in Seattle and was founded by Charles Frye. He came from a family of Germans who immigrated to America. He collected artifacts in Seattle and ended up founding this museum. The artifacts are commonly American and German. Wonderful paintings and objects are available for exactly 0 dollars! Of course, there are lots and lots of events and exhibits held here, but that is likely to cost you some money.

U.S.S. Constitution – Museum

The U.S.S. Constitution is located on the Boston coast. The ship is absolutely lovely, looking at its sails and design, it is quite an interesting sight. It also represents a big part of American history, so everyone should visit U.S.S. Constitution when they are in Boston. You can not see every part of the ship because it is very old and dangerous to host a lot of people, but the part where you can see is completely free!

Getty Center

If it is “free” you have on your mind, Getty Center is your destination. Located in Los Angeles, Getty Center is a beautifully designed museum with a gorgeous view and garden. There are lots of important works of art that are found in this museum, such as the famous Van Gogh painting, “Irises”. And everything you might do in Getty Center is free, so the only thing you will be paying for is gas.

Baltimore Museum of Art

The BMA was founded one year after the Cleveland Museum of Art, so it has been around for more than a century. It has around 100,000 works of art that are included in the museum’s collection, and the number raises intrigue since it is so high. And it being free, this museum must absolutely be visited. 


In conclusion, there are museums, historical places, interesting artifacts, activities, and galleries all around the country that everyone should visit. They are a vital part of U.S. history, as well as culturally and scientifically educating. Plus, in order to attend most of the activities and sights that are conducted in these museums do not require any fees at all! Plan your trip and be sure to pay a visit to the wonderful museums on the list!

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