Just like everything that concerns children, car seats can be very expensive. Expect to pay anything between $100 to $300 for a brand new car seat for your child. Ensuring your child’s safety does not have to break your bank. Acquiring an affordable used car seat from a reliable outlet and even getting a free car seat are options for parents or guardians to consider.

Since children under three years are most susceptible to being thrown out of the car during accidents, laws have been put in place internationally that require car travellers under the age of three years to be strapped in before a journey commences. Many organizations and companies have an interest in the safety of children when they are traveling by car. Selling affordable car seats and making a way for them to be acquired free of charge are some of the ways certain organizations to child safety. Here are some of the ways parents and guardians can get car seats for their children without paying hefty amounts:

Look out for specials Free Car Seats Know About

Companies that sell baby and child products often have specials like 2 for 1, where you pay for one product and then get another one for free. This would be advantageous for families with more than one child requiring a car seat. Another special to look out for is when purchasing a stroller. Nowadays, strollers come in a package with a free car seat. Car seats which come in a package with a stroller are usually for infants but they are still useful and can give new parents up to 12 months before having to purchase a car seat for their toddler.

Reusing of car seats

Some websites allow you to post ads for items which you have used but are wishing to sell. These items are required to be in stellar condition as the reputation of that company lies on the quality of products they resell. As a parent or guardian wishing to put your child’s safety first, purchasing a used car seat which is still in good condition will give you peace of mind. Free Car Seats Know About

Some babies and children outgrow their infant car seats very quickly by growing at a rate that exceeds standard weight allocations. This just means that some parents and guardians may have to purchase a toddler’s car seat before the 12-month infantry period is over. If you have any family members or friends who have reached the stage of switching over to a toddler’s car seat, be sure to ask them to give you their infant car seat.

Local community drives for free car seats

Certain organizations in the community may collect and distribute car seats for those who cannot afford to purchase their own. Donations of used, and newly purchased car seats, as well as money towards the purchasing of car seats is the method often used by these organizations.


Taking care of your children can be very expensive. While this may be the case, compromising on your child’s safety is not an option. Getting a safe, functional and affordable car seat is the prerogative of every parent or guardian.

Can I get a free car seat?

The short answer is yes. Thinking of methods other than buying a car seat will lead one to alternatives that can enable the acquisition of free car seats. Ask for donations from family members or friends who are no longer using their car seats and not looking to sell. Even if they do not give you a free car seat, certain organizations may lead you in the right direction. 

Is it a requirement to have a car seat? 

It has been made a law for children under the age of three years to be strapped in when travelling, even if it is just a short journey. That is why newly manufactured cars are required to have allowances for car seats.

How long can I safely keep using my infant car seat?

Car seats are designed for a specific weight range. It advisable to discontinue using a car seat which your child can no longer use according to weight specifications.

Can I get a fine for failing to use a car seat?

Depending on the country or state you are travelling in, law enforcement officers would be well within their rights to stop you if a passenger in your car is younger than 3 years and is not in a car seat. The more concerning aspect is the safety. It is recommended that at all times when travelling, children be strapped in their car seats.